Reports & Geospatial

[1] Imagery analysis
[1.1] 2D and 3D models and analytics: as part of his work, Dr Pili produced models and analysis of buildings, computers (e.g. microchips and microcomponents), drones (e.g. Shaed-136, UAV Takhion, UAV Orlan-10, and Lancet-3), sea drones (Sea baby, Magura, WWI sea drones), electronic warfare technologies, missiles (KH 101 Strategic Aerial Cruise Missile, Iskander-K Cruise Missile 9m727, Kalibr Crusie Missile, Iskander Missile, and Kinzhal) optical equipment, radios, ships (e.g. the Steregushchiy Class Corvette, Ropucha Landing Ship), space landers (LUNA-25, Odysseus, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) for multiple reports. Dr. Pili's imagery analysis identified TELS and armaments of the North Korean military parades in 2022 and 2023 and made a calculator for understanding the oil consumption during those events. In 2023-2024 Dr. Pili made an extensive calculating program for estimating munition shipments from North Korea to Russia used for OSINT reports.
Dr. Pili's imagery analysis work was credited, re-used or republished by: Financial Times, European Security and Defense, NATO Defence College, US Naval Institute, Royal United Services Institute, Business Insider, The Telegraph, The Insider, Bloomberg Tv Bulgaria, Techjournalism, and SandBoxx
[1.2] Satellite Imagery: Dr Pili produced at least 269 cartographic outputs, including maps, geoprocessing analytics, measurement analysis, and satellite imagery analysis. The data used for the cartographic outputs included: AIS data, high/medium/low-resolution satellite imagery (multiband), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), light detection and ranging (LiDAR), and potential hyperspectral. Dr. Pili able to secure several important partnerships in the remote sensing space.
Dr. Pili's geospatial work was credited, re-used or republished by: The Financial Times, Un Panel of Experts, and NK News.
[2] Data analysis
[2.1] Through remote sensing data, Dr. Pili produced several foundational datasets on several projects, such as the Russian military build-up in the Arctic region (e.g., military bases, identification of 55 vessels of the Northern fleet, EW and radar posts), Chemical Weapons in North Korea (a comprehensive dataset of the main sites, sources, and media available), multiple statistical analyses on trade data and supply chains. A comprehensive relational database with the entire North Korean fleet. It was created with several views (queries) and forms for filling in the data.
[2.2] Dr. Pili developed news trackers, datasets and alert systems for ship detection and maritime intelligence, port trackers, full profiling relational databases (SQL), and network analysis graphs and analysis. Reuters, Bloomberg, RUSI, and Financial Times credited, re-used or republished the data analysis.
[3] General research, databasing, and publications
[3.17] Pili, G., Kessler, G., Armenzoni, A., “Oil laundering at sea: defeating Russia’s shadow fleet in the Mediterranean,” Digital Forensic Research Lab - Atlantic Council (DFRLab), December 20, 2024,[REF]
[3.16] Pili, G., (2024), 'Sea drones at war: Tactical, operational and strategic analysis of maritime uncrewed systems', European Security & Defence (Bonn (GER)).[REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders
Organisation (EU).
[3.15] Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., Kessler, G., (2024), "Red Flags: Russian Oil Tradecraft in the Mediterranean Sea", US Naval Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 150/6/1,456.[REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: Aftenposten (NRW), International Maritime Organization (UN), Maritime Executive, Global Agora' (SKVK), Formiche (ITA), CISE News (USA), Wikipedia (Engl.).
[3.14] Pili, G., Minniti, F., (2024), "Shoigu’s Removal and the Instability of Putin’s Regime", Royal United Services Institute, (London, UK), [REF].
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: Harvard Belfer Center.
[3.13] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Minniti, F., Armenzoni, A., (2024), "Sull Ex Viceministro Della Difesa Russo Timur Ivanov Possibile Architetto Della Flotta Fantasma Arrestato In Russia," Difesa Online, Rome.[REF]
[3.12] Kolodii, R., Pili, G., Crawford, J., (2024), "Hi-Tech, High Risk? Russo-Chinese Cooperation on Emerging Technologies", Royal United Services Institute, London, [REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: Radio Free Europe (Czechia), Business Insider (USA), Voice of America (CH, USA), Harvard Belfer Center (USA), Internationale Politik (GER), INews (UK), Formiche (ITA), Turan (AZ), Referencia.
[3.11] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., and R., Kolodii, (2024), "Smooth Sailing? The Strategic Relevance of (Un)contested Control of the Black Sea," European Security & Defence (Bonn (GER)).[REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: The Political Room.
[3.10] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Ghost ship - Russia’s secret naval fleet", NATO Defence College (Rome (ITA)), Outlook 01-2023.[REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: The Newsweek (UK), The Telegraph (UK), Aftenposten (Norway), El Confidencial (Spain), Difesa Online (Italy), Italian Society of Intelligence (Italy), Sub Brief (USA, 41k), Pravda Daily (Slovak), The Global Agora (Slovak), The National News (UAE), Shepard Media (UK), Express (UK), ESRI UK Case Study (UK), CISE News, Alsouria, Orient News and EURO News, Corriere della Sera (ITA), Il Giornale (ITA), SkyTG24 (ITA), Il Messaggero (ITA), Poland Daily 24 (POL),
[3.9] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Russia Is Violating the Montreux Convention with Civilian Ships", US Naval Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 149/9/1,447.[REF]
These media credited, re-used or republished the analysis: Aftenposten (NOR).
[3.8] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Greyzone Lawfare: Russia and the Voyages of the SPARTA IV", Royal United Services Institute, London,[REF]
[3.7] Svoboda, K., Pili, G., Crawford, J., (2023), "Driving towards a brighter past? A ‘Brezhnevisation’ of Putin’s internal market", Royal United Services Institute, London,[REF]
The Financial Times and the Harvard Belfer Center credited, referenced and shared the analysis.
[3.6] Phillips, L., Pili, G., Corbett, S., (2023), "Ponghwa Chemical Factory: North Korea’s Chemical Facilities: Site Profile 1", Royal United Services Institute, London,[REF]
[3.5 Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Harries, M., Phillips, L., Pili, G., (2023) "Toxic Inheritance: Assessing North Korea's Chemical Weapons Capability", Royal United Services Institute, London,[REF]
The EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium credited, referenced and shared the analysis.
[3.4] Jewell, E., Pili, G., Bremer, I., Byrne, J., (2022), "North Korea likely acquired ship that sailed from Busan to Nampho: Investigation," NK News, [REF]
[3.3] Kaushal, S., Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Pili G., and G., Somerville, (2022), "The Balance of Power Between Russia and NATO in the Arctic and High North," Whitehall Paper, Royal United Services Institute, London,[REF]
[3.2] Minniti, F., Pili, G., (2022), "Understanding Russia's Great Games: From Zapad 2013 to Zapad 2021", Royal United Services Institute, London, [REF]
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, USA), NATO Watch (NATO), United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission (USA), Wikipedia (USA), European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (EU), Center For Research Of The Military History Of The Armed Forces Of Ukraine (Ukraine Ministry of Defence), Defense College (Denmark), "The Great Power Competition Volume 5" (Springer), referenced the analysis.
[3.1] Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Pili, G., (2021), "North Korea’s Oil Terminals Come Back to Life as Imports Breach UNSC Cap", Royal United Services Institute, London.[REF]
[4] Maritime Domain - Short Pieces
[4.4] Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., Kessler, G., (2024), "Russia's Shadow Fleet Tactics Exposed," Maritime Executive, USA.[REF]
[4.3] Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., (2024), "After Close Scrutiny, Russian "Ghost Fleet" Ships May Be Changing Tactics," Maritime Executive, USA.[REF]
[4.2] Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., (2024), "As Russia's "Syrian Express" Takes the Long Way Home, NATO is Watching," Maritime Executive, USA.[REF]
[4.1] Pili, G., Crawford, J., Armenzoni, A., (2024), "Russian Official Linked to "Ghost Fleet" Has Been Charged With Treason," Maritime Executive, USA.[REF]